"The reason? Because people are hungry for the truth, and ready for that truth to be exposed.
And that spirit, and that determination, which is shared by countless activists, bloggers and independent researchers out there, "
“We Killed the Mainstream Media” THIS Journalist Got the ...
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Published : December 08th, 2016
455 words - Reading time : 1 - 1 minutes
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Category : Opinions and Analysis
![]() Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe appeared at David Horowitz’s Freedom Center and made the case for how his brand of bold journalism has turned the tide against the lies, planted & paid assets, scripted media talking points and cross-collaboration that tried to purchase a presidency for Hillary Clinton. Despite outward appearances of a fair and free election in the world’s foremost democracy, the conflict of interest has reached a peak – literal presstitutes have been bought out and told to frame virtually everything in a light favorable to what was supposed to be the first female president. Now, citizen journalists and determined activists have exposed that system. Wikileaks proved that the Democrat primary was rigged to keep Bernie from getting the nomination, and they tried to fix it for Hillary in the general election – but the anger and principled opposition among the American people kept that nightmare from happening. Here is O’Keefe’s proclamation of victory – of slaying the mainstream, agenda-driven, propaganda media with the truth, caught on video: James O’Keefe from DHFC on Vimeo. As Dan Lyman reported, O’Keefe took credit for victory in the election by battling complex machine of media corruption inherent in many DNC operative actions: “Social media is now more powerful than the media,” O’Keefe proclaimed. “The media is dead – we killed it.”You can get the media to react to your narrative, O’Keefe explains, and so ordinary people can do extraordinary things that even the NY Times and CNN can’t engender. The reason? Because people are hungry for the truth, and ready for that truth to be exposed. And that spirit, and that determination, which is shared by countless activists, bloggers and independent researchers out there, is why we are seeing the “Fake News” backlash – a heavy-handed and obvious attempt to blacklist the truth, and punish those who would dare to speak of forbidden topics and naked empires. Read more: It’s Happening: They Are Shutting Down “Fake News” Websites to Punish Alt Media Hillary Opponents Digital Lock Down: Google and Facebook Take Aim At ‘Fake News’ Websites: “The Establishment Is Scared Sh*tless” Times When the “Mainstream Media Created Fake News”… And People Died As a Result List of “Fake” News Sites for Google to Target Released; Every Alt Site You Know (Including SHTFplan) Is On It Collapse Strategist: “We’re In The Terminal Phase… Economic Pain Like We’ve Never Seen Before” |
Source : www.shtfplan.com